Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Random LIfe

I love how random my life is. Over the past few days some random things have happened to me that makes  me enjoy being me... So today I was walking to work (somedays I walk to work if I don't feel like driving or/and if it is not going to rain) and one of the random things happened. I was given a ride to work by one of the Campus Police Officers I know from being a Resident Assistant. You might not think that is random but I do. She drove me pretty much thee blocks away from m house to work and I sat in the front seat.. Its cool in the front I was looking at all the things they have mounted in the front.
Another random things random thing that happened to me. I was when I was working yesterday I found (well not so much found they are sitting out but they are in a back room away from everything and everyone) I saw two awards that was given to Clarence "Big House" Gaines, the College Basketball Hall of Fame Coach at Winston-Salem State. It just goes to show you the library has some pretty cool stuff if you look.

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