Monday, May 17, 2010

First Blog/ Tattoo

Well this is my first blog, I'm really not sure how this whole thing work but I'm going to give it a shot. I always wanted a blog to just write and talk about things I like in the world.

I'm just sitting here on the computer watching the Lakers vs the Suns playoff game. I'm not really a basketball fan but I love sports. I cheer for Kobe Bryant for all the reasons why people don't like him. He's the best player in the game today. #FACT

I just recently had my third tattoo done. Its a star with my late grandmother's name (Maxine) over it. Its on my right side and this one didn't hurt much or bleed at all. My second tattoo was bad the pain wasn't bad but the blood was. LOL

I love you Grandma Max.. R.I.P.

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